After several weeks of quarantine, the powers that be deliberated long and hard, sought the counsel of the nation’s top experts, and weighed the potential consequences of reopening and… nah, I’m bullshitting, none of that was done, but folks were getting restless, so here we are. Back to business!
And while many understand the importance of preserving the system, there are still several concerns regarding our collective level of preparedness. Jumping the gun before we’re ready could find us in a worst situation than before.
Similarly, in relationships we oftentimes find ourselves hesitant to move beyond past situations that have caused us pain or trauma. However, an unwillingness or inability to take risks can hinder a person’s growth and ability to find happiness.
· When does someone know when they are ready to move on? · Is anyone ever truly “off the market”? · Will our reengagement be met with apprehension or has the drought produced a thirst this world has never seen?
Join us this Friday, May 29th, at 8PM CST for a one of a kind discussion moderated by “the know it all” Isaac Paul.